cute. random. spring. random.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

the ongoings around here lately...

nobody does it better than target...
no. seriously.

we typically leave reese's closet light on as a nightlight because for some strange reason the majority of our outlets are upside down so when you buy a super cute nightlight and you get it home, unwrapped, and plugged in, it's upside down.  apparently, we're not the only ones with this problem as they now make plugs that rotate. tada!  our latest owl purchase.

i love toms but with a narrow foot, they just don't work. i recently discovered tiny toms. best creation ever. if i cannot wear them, she will. bright pink sparkly tiny toms.

target sponsored a dr. seuss reading day one saturday morning.  each little one received a reusable bag filled with snacks and dr. seuss goodies. 

santa brought reese her new 3-in-1 bike this past christmas. since the weather has been getting warmer, i finally put it together the weekend before last and she loves it! loooves it!  i love her sippy cup holder and her "trunk".

i joined a new program by bluum in which you receive a "bluum box" once a month. you get 4-5 products to sample for both mommy and baby in each box. i thought this would be a great way to find some fabulous new products as we have been dealing with eczema forever now and still haven't found the perfect potion.  if they smell good, she eats them. if they don't, she still eats them, but regardless, none have worked so i am hoping to find a good one through this.  the program is directed toward the first year of the baby's life but so many of those needs carry on past the first year so i joined anyway. in our first box last month, we received a small rattle (not just samples, but some actual full-size products too) that was geared toward a newborn but other than that, they all applied to any baby year.

creed's grandfather passed away a few days after we first met.  from what i have learned along the way, his house was full of all kinds of old goodies, all kept like new.  everything was kept, right down to the original operating manuals. another oldie but goodie salvaged were his burlap potato sacks. burlap has made its way back into trendy again so i've been told so my mother-in-law took all of his old sacks and turned them into lined, zippered, fashionable pillow cases. and clearly he was taught somewhere along the way that the florida state seminoles were a much greater team to cheer for than the tennessee volunteers!

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